Virtuous Platform Outage

Major incident CRM CRM API Forms API
2023-06-15 09:33 MST · 13 minutes



Virtuous Platform began experiencing indefinite loading screens between 9:33am MST - 9:46am MST.

Virtuous’s third-party storage mechanism to log telemetry with each request was unavailable during a large spike in usage. Users were left with endless loading screens when the application could not communicate with the external storage system.

The telemetry mechanism used with each request is no longer needed. It will be disabled, so any issues with the third-party storage mechanism will not cause indefinite loading screens within the application.
We’ll continue to investigate to determine why there was a large spike in storage usage.

June 15, 2023 · 09:51 MST

Services are being restored. We are monitoring further to ensure complete restoration of all services.

June 15, 2023 · 09:45 MST

We are currently investigating an issue that is causing access issues to the Virtuous Platform.

June 15, 2023 · 09:38 MST

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